Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This is INSANE!

No really, it is.

I have completed 23 days of Insanity! I have 4 more workouts in Month 1. I did take before pictures and my measurements. I would totally recommend that for anyone on a weight loss journey. I did not "see" a difference, but I still took pictures and measurements on Day 15. I lost a total of 7 inches overall and 2.8 lbs. :D

I am also taking pictures at the end of each week. I did a Day 21 progress comparison and there is a noticeable difference.  Major reduction in my back rolls and my top belly, that was hiding my belly button, is now more providing a little shade for it! :) These pictures are no where near ready for public consumption, but they do serve to remind me that I can't stop!

Someone in our Fb group: Insanity and Mayhem pointed out that we did Cardio Power & Resistance for the last time. We have 2 Plyo's, a Pure and a Recovery left! That's it for Month 1! I am so freaking excited and pleased with myself. 

So here's my plan for tracking my progress: before and after pictures, of course (that's day 1 and day 63), every two weeks ~ measurements and weight, every week ~ pictures from front, both sides and back. I hope to be brave enough to post my before and during photos soon!

That's it for now. An announcement coming soon about Beachbody!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Unboxing: Birchbox-June

Well, I just received my first Birchbox. It was okay.

FYI - birchbox is 'handpicked beauty and lifestyle samples, delivered to your door for $10/month' as per the website. Again, I was excited, so I recorded the actual opening of my first box!

Unboxing: Insanity


Okay, I officially decided I was going to do Insanity in May. I was all prepared to order it and then a coworker said her husband had downloaded them and she'd make me a copy. I however got tired of waiting and wanted to make sure I had the real thing and could submit my before & after photos to Beachbody.

I did a little hunting and found the videos on Vimeo and the workout calendar on a blog, so I was able to start while I waited for my order to come in. I am also a member of FB group for support and that helps a lot. I also post on a check-in on My Fitness Pal (MFP). The one thing I don't like is all of the Beachbody coaches with their, "do you have a good coach to help support your goals, yada, yada, yada." Yes, I do, now leave me alone!

Anyhoo, I recorded me unboxing my Insanity set and uploaded it to YouTube, so here ya go!

I'm a Unicorn

or at least, my uterus is. This is one heck of a way to start posting on this thing! At least I'm talking to myself for now. I eventually plan to list the dates/deets of our year of TTC under that little tab up there, but that won't be happening today. So let's just hit play on this movie that is my life.

I was recently referred to a R.E. (reproductive endocrinologist/ infertility specialist). I had my initial appointment on March 22. It went well, the doc seems nice enough and proactive. The plan was to do b/w that day and see if I needed any medicine to jumpstart my cycle or if I could just wait because I had indeed ovulated (O'd).

CD 1 was 3.31, so they got me in on 4.2 to do baseline b/w. We scheduled a mid-cycle ultrasound and CD24 b/w appointments.The nurse told me that someone would be calling me in the next few days to set my date for a hysteroscopy (HSC).

Yeah, how about they called me the.next.day (my b-day!!) for an appointment today! I went with it since the husband was already off. ***I guess I started writing this and saved as a draft - finishing now***(I lose my dates now, but somewhere in there were a couple of u/s where the nurse was trying to show me my ovaries and fallopian tube and just couldn't find the left ones; at one appt one of the other doctors came in b/c she couldn't find it and wasn't familiar with left pelvic kidneys - shocker - and he could only say that yes that was my kidney on the left.)  I was put to sleep for the procedure (which is always a little nerve-wracking!) and when I came out the doc said he thought I had a unicornuate uterus.

A do-what-now?

He said where as a normal uterus is shaped sort of like a martini glass, mine is more like a tube going off to the right. The question was what, if anything is over on that left side. Some ladies have what's called a rudimentary "horn" that is just chilling out over there connected to nothing. Some of these can be functioning and allow an embryo to implant which would be dangerous - similar to an ectopic in a regular ute-having person.

Fast-forward b/c I'm getting bored. I had an MRI that confirmed the right unicornuate uterus (UU) and nothing on the left. And that is where we stand now.