Trying to Conceive (TTC)

A Little Background - 
this is from an intro in a Fb group, but it sums things up nicely to where we are now

I'm 32 and my h will be 32 next month. I have a 6 year old bonus daughter. We married Dec 18, 2010, stopped BCP in February 2011, started charting the next cycle-end of March. That cycle we got our one and only BFP in April; I started spotting 2 days later and went through all of May getting betas and u/s. During one u/s I was told I had a left pelvic kidney. 0_o Dx blighted ovum and D&C June 9, 2011. 

Continued w/ OB and charting w no luck. Did 2 Clomid cycles b/4 referred to RE. We did a monitoring cycle & they couldn't find my left ovary/Fallopian tube. Had a hysteroscopy in April 2012 and found right sided unicornuate uterus. Had an MRI in May and confirmed UU dx and that there is nothing on the left. RE is recommending IVF. H and I have also started discussing adoption. I plan to talk w/ RE again about possibilities of IUI (he talked to h on phone consult after MRI - I was at the gym :p )

And that's where we are today. I always meant to go through and write everything out, and I still might, but for now this will do. :D I will go and add a glossary of commonly used terms though.